Cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering
Cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering

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Creative mix moves include adding effects, EQ, compression, setting levels and panning. The creative sweet spot is a place where you solely make tasteful changes to your tracks that benefit the bigger picture. Stay in the "creative sweet spot" as much as possible when mixing and try to avoid technical obstacles. The key to a producing a great sounding mix is making sure your creative flow is as uninterrupted as possible throughout the mixing process. Keep it simple stupid - don't be too clever.

Cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering how to#

Use the same compressor plug-in and same EQ plug-in throughout a mix as you'll get the chance to really learn how those two plug-ins work, which in turn benefits your mixes as you'll quickly learn how to get the most out of those plug-ins. If you are new to mixing, try to stick to using a small set of plug-ins instead of using everything in the plug-in folder. While we're on the subject of KISS and plug-ins it's worth mentioning that you should also KISS when it comes to plug-in choices. You would be surprised how often a track really doesn't need any EQ (if recorded well) and how often a track doesn't need compression (distorted electric guitars).

cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering

Keep it simple by applying plug-ins such as compressors and EQs to tracks that actually need dynamic processing and EQ. Try not to use too many plug-ins, try not to overcomplicate automation, instead, try to get as much done with as fewer moves as possible. Apply the KISS principle to your mix workflow and there's a strong chance you will get better results from your mixing habits. KISS was a vital design principle used by the US Navy in the 60's. The principle states that systems work best when systems are kept simple instead of being complicated. How To Create A Mono Button On The Pro Tools Master Fader

Cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering free#

Luckily, there are several free options available that give us the capability to monitor our stereo output in mono and back again in an instant:įREE Pro Tools Stereo To Mono Plug-in Round-Up

cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering

Pro Tools sadly include a built-in fold stereo down to mono function on the master output. Mixing in mono is a great way to perfectly set the level of a lead vocal track in a mix. By mixing in mono (taking away the stereo-ness from your monitoring) you should find it easier and quicker to set fader levels. Setting static fader levels when there's a variety of stereo and mono tracks can be challenging as stereo sound (in the width of the soundstage) tickles our ears in ways that mono can't, making it tricky to get a solid sounding balance. If your music has a lot of instrument and effects tracks then there's a good chance these tracks will be in stereo (2 channels, left and right), but when we mix our sessions generally have a variety of tracks in mono that sit right up the phantom centre such as lead vocals, kick drums, bass guitars etc. Folding the stereo mix output to mono can really help you set static fader levels in early stages of mixing. The main mixing in mono benefit I want to share with you is a far more basic one. If our stereo mixes are mono compatible or notīoth are important to listen for when finishing up a mix, but if you are new to mixing in Pro Tools I suggest you don't worry too much about these.

cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering

Two of the main mixing in mono benefits are that it enables us to hear: There are countless articles on the internet that make strong cases for mixing in mono. These tips will inspire you to develop some basic mixing disciplines and mindsets as mixing isn't just about moving faders and loading up plug-ins you know. Problem is, mixing isn't always that easy, especially for those new to Pro Tools.Ī mix can quickly lead you down dark and frustrating rabbit holes that are difficult to come out of, however, we have some essential mixing tips that will hopefully help you to avoid getting suck when you mix your next song in Pro Tools. Mixing is an important stage in music production as it brings together all of your recorded performances to make a single great sounding and emotive piece of music.

cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering

So you have just recorded your first song in Pro Tools, well done.

Cool edit pro 2.0 mixing and mastering